Inner West (Croydon)

Ann Eyres

I am moving to online sessions as well as face to face. If you prefer, you can contact me and we can work out which platform we use.


Please feel free to call and discuss any concerns.


I can be contacted on:

Phone: (02) 9747 1407
Mobile: 0417 471 407


Located at 13 David Street, Croydon , Monday - Saturday.


Hypnotherapy can provide peace of mind by resolving, in a positive way those changes that you wish to make. The sessions are conducted in a confidential and safe environment where you are in control at all times.


 Hello! My name is Ann Eyres and I'm a Clinical Hypnotherapist, registered and endorsed by both the Professional Clinical Hypnotherapist Association (PCHA) ( President and Fellow),

The Australian Association of Clinical Hypnotherapy & Psychotherapy Inc (AACHP)   and

the International Medical and Dental Hypnotherapy Association (IMDHA) .i


I also belong to the Clinical Hypnosis Professional Group (CHPG)     in Michigan, USA

the Hypnotherapy Council of Australia. (HCA),and my details are on the

Australian National Hypnotherapists Register


Hypnotherapy is, for me, enjoyable and rewarding because of the results I have seen and had with its use having worked as a hypnotherapist since 2000. I believe the mind is the controller of all the body's function, if any area is under stress, health concerns develop. Remove that stress and the body has the resources to heal itself if it is allowed to do so.


The power of the subconscious mind is infinitely more powerful than our conscious mind and can be directed, with an experienced and professional Hypnotherapist to relieve barriers and improve health.


Smoking, panic attacks, anxiety and anger seem to dominate the concerns of people who come to see me so I have become more specialised in these areas.  Over the years, my practice however, has covered a wise range of problems, physical and emotional and so, all areas of concern can be addressed.


The most important thing for hypnotherapy to work is that you want the desired end result. It must be your choice to come . Long-term issues can even start being resolved after the first session and although you may not initially, be aware of changes happening- often others around you are.of a change happening.


When you think about it ? why do you stop yourself achieving what you want? You know  you are feeling uncomfortable or blocked in some way. Your thoughts are your conditioning, often programmed by parents, family, peers and teachers when you were little and this conditioning, if it is causing you concerns now as an adult,  can be changed to a more positive approach if you decide to do so. Conscious and unconscious habits of long standing can be changed if they are no longer beneficial.

Hypnotherapy is a fast way of making those beneficial changes. Working at the subconscious level allows the changes to happen with little effort on your part. They happen normally, naturally, automatically.. You only need to take that first step.


My Qualifications:


  • Diploma of Clinical Hypnotherapy
  • Certificate of Advanced Hypnotherapy
  • Diploma of Medical Hypnosis
  • Diploma of Professional Counselling
  • Certificate of Advanced Training - Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) and
  • Simple Energy Techniques (SET)

My practice  in Croydon has ample on-street parking and is an easy walk from both Croydon and Burwood railway stations or from the bus routes on Liverpool Road. I have no waiting room so please endeavour to come at the correct time.


. Pay at time of Consultation. EFTPOS and CC Facilities are available for your convenience (No American Express)




Sessions are $135 each   (60 - 90 min sessions)  The first session is 90 minutes. The first 30 minutes is a free consultation where you can decide whether you wish to proceed with the next hour working with hypnosis. The number of sessions will depend on how you are going and the results you are getting. Hypnotherapy works much quicker than standard talk therapies as it works with the subconscious mind and the changes that occur happen easily and naturally. You can decide how many sessions you need depending on the results and you  can finish coming for sessions at any time.


Later you may find other areas that need work and can come back for further sessions. All consultations are strictly confidential.





I've had a huge breakthrough since our sessions. Thank you Ann I feel a huge weight has lifter and can understand so much about how my early trauma has  influenced the choices in life. With love and gratitude.






I just wanted to wish you all the best and let you know today is three months since my first appointment with you and the weight loss is continuing nicely.  I am now in size 14 gear and progressing to size 12 and the trip to NZ which is planned for 1 March.I haven't eaten - or felt like eating - chocolate since our first meeting which is absolutely amazing and fantastic.  It is such a "freeing" experience to decline chocolate and simply say, "no, thank you, I don't eat chocolate" and mean it!  -  M.R.


A.M. CAME WITH A FEAR OF PUBLIC SPEAKING AND IN HER POSITION WAS REQUIRED TO GIVE PRESENTATIONS. It took, for her, only 3 sessions before she needed to present at this function.


Just wanted to say a big thanks for the hypnotherapy sessions over the last month. I did my presentation this morning to around 200 people and think it went a lot better than the one I did back in February thanks to your confidence-building techniques and advice. Yes I was still nervous but was able to control my nerves so much better! I think the visualisation you led me through was of particular benefit. I really hope I can apply the same principles to future public speaking but will be in touch if I need a booster! -  A.M.




I know that you said later, but I have been out of the office and just returned and I was greeted by a smiling face telling me she had been to see you today.  She looked so bright and happy and calm and reported that you said:  no need to return as she was dealing with things well.  And spiders and headaches?  she said I have had no headaches since she had been to see you.  She, at present is one very happy customer.  As you say, time will tell, but just on the eyeball test today, she is wonderful.  Well done and congratulations. - B.B.




Finally, I have returned to Thailand and my course is due to commence in January 2015.Everything is hopeful and after getting rid of the emotional burdens, life has become exciting once again-thanks to you. I must say that the experience with hypnotherapy was marvelous and the only regret was that I did not have it done earlier. I have recommended few friends to seek consultation with you so that they could have their problem resolved. You might hear from them soon. -  K.W.




I just wanted to let you know at I have been cigarette free for 193 days! 

 Your service helped me so much that I am forever grateful. I am absolutely repulsed by cigarettes now and cannot even believe I ever smoked! How fascinating and wonderful. 

 I am so glad that the universe brought me to you. 

 Thanks again and hope you are well   -  AC




The results were good. I certainly found my singing lessons much less stressful and I managed to sing with greater confidence in the choir but found solo performances increasingly unmanageable. In the end I decided not to put myself through them and am happy with that decision. At the end of the year I sat for the AMED exam and got A+ which gave me an injection of confidence. I have continued down this path, delighted with all that I have learned and the sheer enjoyment I find in singing.   - TS




I am feeling great thanks! The sessions were really helpful and helped me to prepare for our move in a much calmer way. We have had some noise from our new neighbours ( teenage boys next door ) but I have found that I have been able to cope very well with it. I still use the CD sometimes to go to sleep. I found your sessions enlightening and calming and it was very useful to be able to explain how I was feeling to a completely objective listener, your insightful responses also made it possible for me to gain a deeper sense of understanding about my own fears and prejudices. Thank you for your help    - Kate. 


 If you are interested in specialised weight management visit my site:   




Anne Harcombe’s interview with me on 29th January 2020 discussing health and hypnotherapy.

Anne's business is Modere, giving people healthy choices for personal and home care products.

She can be contacted on 0423 972 314 for any advice.!AjUolFNooc3EjW7ykmXJ377VNj_O




Podcast by Caroline Bone from BayTalk on 22nd April 2020 with Jacqueline Minors of  Minors Family Law in Drummoyne. discussing stress situations while we are in lock down from COVID-19.  Ring: 8591 9702 if you wish to get in touch.






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